Tuesday 2 March 2010

Masthead and Puff

Today I decided to focus on the masthead and the puff on the top of the page. I tryed out many different fonts and finally came accross a font I really liked and decided that it suited my idea of country music connotations and that I could try out different colour and techniques on this particular writing to make it more interesting for my masthead. As I was experimenting with different tools on photoshop I came across one particular tool which I thought was really fun to experiment with. I used the tool 'Wave' to make the masthead take up most of the room at the top of the page so it almost touches each side of the page.

I wanted to make the colour stand out more so I thought that maybe a shadow of the writing would make the overall effect of the masthead much more interesting. I tried to locate a tool that would enhance this idea, however I couldnt find any tools which would do what I wanted the text to do so I thought that maybe putting another layer of the same text in a different colour would emphasise the masthead a little more. I tried out some different colours that would look good and found a colour that matched the picture that I wanted to use as my front cover. I used this colour, which is a browny pink colour. This could also connote country music as when I asked my friends who were into country music which picture they would rather see on the front of a country music magazine and they said the colour is mostly what made them think it was more country then any other as it reminded them of the country hats that people wear so I thought that this masthead colour would be much better with this pinky colour and the black over the top.

I then focused on the puff which I decided to use a plain font but a black colour to emphasise the black in masthead. I tried to make it almost bold to stand out and draw attention to the reader without taking to much focus of the main articles that I will be putting on the page and will not distract the reader to much from the masthead so they know what the magazines name is.

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