Thursday 11 February 2010

I decided that the previous idea did not work out very well as I wanted to use a picture that I had taken of my friend Lauren but found that putting two of the pictures on the same page was something I didnt want to do. So I decided that I would try to edit in different ways and see if any of them made the cover look good or not. I was looking through the blur options and around the colour areas to see if I could make the cover seem more appealing to my target audience. Whilst looking through the colours on the right hand side of the screen I noticed that the picture can be edited into many variaties of colours and ways that would emphasis the picture. I chose to do a picture with a glow around the outline to make the picture emphasised but also to show that the person on the front cover is a new artist and using the glow around the outside of the picture could conote this to the audience.

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