Thursday 11 February 2010

Different pictures

Since my last update I have taken some more pictures for my front cover along with some pictures that could be useful for a double page spread and maybe the contents page. I still want to go with my original idea of using a country looking atmosphere with the colours of blue, black and white. However since taking the picture I realised that I acctually prefered using the background colour with some editing. I edited a few pictures to ask some of my friends who are in to country music and ask if they prefered a particular picture or would reccomend to continue using the colour scheme that I origanally set out to use. The results came back possitive that it would be a better idea to use the original background of the picture as it would seem 'more realistic' to the readers.

These are the pictures that I chose to edit:

These are the original pictures before being edited:

After doing the masthead and putting the picture of Lauren on the front cover I realised that the picture was breaking conventions, which is what I wanted but not in the way I would have liked. My idea so far is in the picture but I have decided to take some more pictures and edit them to see what I think of them.
I decided that the previous idea did not work out very well as I wanted to use a picture that I had taken of my friend Lauren but found that putting two of the pictures on the same page was something I didnt want to do. So I decided that I would try to edit in different ways and see if any of them made the cover look good or not. I was looking through the blur options and around the colour areas to see if I could make the cover seem more appealing to my target audience. Whilst looking through the colours on the right hand side of the screen I noticed that the picture can be edited into many variaties of colours and ways that would emphasis the picture. I chose to do a picture with a glow around the outline to make the picture emphasised but also to show that the person on the front cover is a new artist and using the glow around the outside of the picture could conote this to the audience.


I have now started to do my magazine front cover. I have decided on a picture I want to use. It is a photograph which I have taken on my camera of one of my friends standing on a table with a guitar in a country style dress. I have decided to use this for my front cover because I think that I can do alot with it. I am thinking of maybe using two pictures which are similar and blending them together to create on picture which would be breaking conventions but I think would look different to the conventions which are used on almost every magazine. Also in my questionnaire I asked if people would prefer the general conventions of the magazine or something different and most of the responses that came back were that people into this kind of music would prefer to brake conventions.