Monday 2 November 2009

Details on magazine

Target Audience:
16-30 year old
Males and Females
For my magazine I want to do a country music magazine. Although country music is not as popular as other genres of music, such as rock or pop I think it would be something new and interesting to consider, it will also help promote new bands that may not be shown in rock or pop magazines. Whilst looking for competitor magazines, I found a country music magazine named 'maverick' which is a UK based magazine and has been running for over seven years now. This makes me think that country music is liked in the UK but does not have many well known singers or bands. By creating an interesting and appealing magazine may promote country music to become as well known as rock or pop music. I thought it would be a good idea to make my target audience 16-30 year old as it is a wide age range and it could make more people interested in different genres of music and to try out listening to new songs. I decided also to make the magazine genre for both male and female. The reason I did this is because country music, like rock and pop, can be liked by both male and female and would give a wider target audience. I like the idea of doing a country magazine as it is different and it would be interesting to try out some different convention styles and try out ways to show different connotations and denotations, which could be fun to try out and show some interesting ideas. Although we have to stick to most conventions I want to try and make my country music magazine a bit different by still using the different conventions but trying them out in new ways, for example, im considering naming the magazine 'Rodeo' and I was thinking it would be fun and interesting to make the font in rope to look almost like a lasso. I think it will be fun trying out new fonts, colours and images for the magazine.

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