Thursday 26 November 2009

Questionnaire Evaluation

Looking at the questionnaire results of my magazine I have decided to call my magazine 'Rodeo'. My colour scheme will be silver black and blue along with some new and original ideas, however I will still use general conventions like a masthead, feature article photo, puff and plugs. The results show that my target audience would prefer bold font colours and background colours, so I was thinking of doing some of the colours that stand out to the audience in this case, silver, blue and black but try and use the colours to try and make them come across as bold and interesting to read. My main competitor is Maverick as looking at the results Maverick seems to be the most common magazine for country music, knowing this I am considering trying out some conventions that Maverick use and make them into something different and original to read. I have already tried to find a masthead that would go well with the contents of the magazine I am planning. I have found a few that look suitable for the magazine which is posted in another blog. I am thinking that the one that is written in rope would be good to use but I also like another one of the other options that I have presented in my blog which is the 3rd one down which looks like an old western style of writing and would be interesting to use as it would be well known as old western and country style so my target audience would notice the style of writing. By doing this the denotation would show old western writing where as the connotation will again show the target audience what the intention of the magazine is and that it is a country magazine and by looking at the plugs and puff they will notice that it is actually a music magazine. Results from questionnaire

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